Friday, July 11, 2008

The Future of Free Energy has arrived!

Imagine for a moment how your little world would be changed if there was an affordable, quiet running generator that consumed no fuel whatsoever, that could easily be plugged into your house to generate all its electrical needs. Imagine it for yourself! You purchase this quiet running generator that could be put into any small corner of your house, have it wired in, turn it on, and once on, it will generate electricity for decades to come without ever having to purchase any kind of fuel whatsoever. No electric bills ever again! If you had an electric car, you would just plug into the house for a charge up and never have to purchase gasoline again. No more utility rate increases, or blackouts for you. You are energy independent!

Contemplate what technology like this would mean for the world, as more and more people bought into it. Big power plants and those ugly utility lines would slowly disappear. Windmills would no longer need to clutter our beautiful landscape. Farmland could be put to use once again feeding people instead of cars. Nuclear power plants would be a thing of the past as well as the fear of a nuclear accident. Oil's need would be reduced to such things as plastics and pharmaceuticals. The power of the elites of the world, who would like to take people's freedom from them, would be greatly diminished. Wars over oil would be a thing of the past. This man made global warming nonsense would be laid to rest, and people would be able to turn on their lights and drive their cars, free of the guilt that was laid upon them. People in remote areas of the world would be able to have power given them without a huge infrastructure. With this power, arid lands could be irrigated back to life. The air that we breath would be much cleaner, and mankind could breath a sigh of relief.

Believe it or not, this technology exists. Victor John Christie and Ludwig Emma Brits of Australia, after 10 years have created, and have ready for production such a wonder. They have a unit that stands upright that can be installed into your house. This unit will put out enough power to take care of all the electrical needs of your home. And what fuel source does it use? None! This is for real!!! They have patents for this technology in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Eurasia, Europe, Indonesia, Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Turkey, Vietnam, and South Africa.

Impossible, you may say! What powers this generator? Magnetism! Yes, Rare Earth permanent magnets are used as the power source. Magnets are an amazing thing. Think about the little magnet holding up the paper on the outside of your refrigerator. It is doing work. Where is its fuel source? A magnet with its two opposite poles has the ability to attract or repel other magnets. John and Ludwig have found a way to use the magnets' ability to create electricity. They place magnets in their unit in such a way so that a generator is turned. Their company name is Lutec Australia PLY LTD. In a year's time they will be open for business in Australia and New Zealand. Check out their web site at

You may ask, if there is really such technology out there, why have we not found out about it until now? Well, the truth is that similar technologies have been out there for a good many years. What happens to the inventors, is that they are suppressed by the powers that be as soon as they try to go public with their new invention. They have been intimidated to shut up, or be destroyed. Many of them have been murdered. The power freaks of the world, big oil etc, see such things as a threat to their control. Inventions of this kind mean power to the people. One thing that has been out there for a long time is the water fuel cell. There are men in different countries that have been running their cars off nothing but water. Stanly Myers of the US is just one of many examples. But thanks to the Internet, these technologies will not be kept down forever. People like you and me can do our part to spread the news that the future of free energy has arrived. Now John and Ludwig's generators may not be available here in the US for a time, but there are other technologies available to you right now. With gas prices going through the roof, there is a way you can increase your milage by 60%. How? With water! To find out how you can use water to power your car Click Here! . Become a part of the free energy revolution. How much does tap water cost you? Well, now you can use tap water to help power your car. If you truly want to be part of the solution to our energy crisis, you must go to Click Here!

Let us together hasten the day when we will be energy independent. Share this information with as many people as possible.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey John, the blog looks great!